German scheduling software for Australasian field crews
Media Release 5 February 2014
Running Field Crews Like Clockwork – Utilising the German Advantage in Australasia
Germans are famous for their reliability and order, and now Australasian companies can use this organisational superiority as part of a locally proven mobile works management platform.
New Zealand company KernMobile has signed a reseller agreement with FLS to offer the European giant’s route planning and field crew optimisation software.
The company’s sophisticated scheduling engine FLS Visitour combines multiple factors such as planned and emergency tasks, workers, vehicles, equipment, different road speeds, and trips to the depot, all to automate the best possible arrangement of appointments and routes.
Over 35,000 field staff world-wide are scheduled using FLS’s complex algorithms which adjusts tasks lists from crews’ real-time status updates.
For the first time in Australasia, these optimisation processes are available and integrated with easy to use mobile software. KernMobile’s Client Console shows an up-to-date visual picture of the day’s work or next month’s jobs, and what’s scheduled, completed and resolved.
Because work in the field changes all the time, the software can calculate the effects of emergencies, employee absences, cancellations and postponements through the day. KernMobile delivers the updated job list to works management and to the crews’ mobile devices.
KernMobile’s works management software is also used by local government and utilities to capture real-time asset data in the field, when working on water pipes or roads for instance.
FLS’s back-end systems will allow for efficient organisation of crews and resources in these industries, and for telecommunications. Sky Germany for instance used the company’s products to schedule its installations and repairs, reporting a 20 percent productivity gain in less than 12 months.
KernMobile CEO Kerry Connors said the reseller agreement means that Australasian clients now have access to scheduling as never seen before in this region. “FLS software’s comprehensive route planning and task sequencing translates into more jobs in a day, with reduced fuel bills and vehicle wear.”
“The transparency of each job’s status and resources means KernMobile customers can truly quantify their operational efficiency,” says Connors.