Regulatory Institutions and Practices final report released
Regulatory Institutions and Practices final report now released
The Productivity Commission has just released the final report for its inquiry into Regulatory Institutions and Practices. Full report and summary materials available here.
The report contains the Commission’s guidance on designing and establishing new regulatory regimes and regulators. It also makes system-wide recommendations on how to improve the operation of regulatory regimes in New Zealand over time. Our hope is that the report will serve as a resource for officials, elected representatives and people with an interest in regulatory matters, now and into the future.
The final report was submitted to Ministers at the end of June. They are now considering the report and will issue a government response in due course.
The final report is the outcome of considerable research and analysis, and drew heavily on the information and insights provided by organisations such as yours. On behalf of my inquiry team, please accept our thanks for your interest and contributions. We are confident that the recommendations in the final report, if implemented, will lead to better quality regulation and improved outcomes for New Zealanders.