Labour's small business policy best so far
Labour's small business policy best so far
package backing small businesses is the party's best policy
effort so far, the Employers and Manufacturers Association
"The policy package for small business includes some clever thinking," said Kim Campbell, EMA's chief executive.
"Because the ideas outlined are less in conflict with other aspects of Labour policy they are worth careful consideration.
"The small size of many of our businesses, far from being a handicap could be a source of agility and strength provided they are given a fair go.
"In particular small business owners will be heartened by policies that streamline tax, allow better access to government procurement, and help kick start garage scale enterprises.
"The stated aim for a small business to lodge one tax return and one tax payment each month for income tax and GST compliance is laudable.
"Paying provisional tax for small and start-up businesses can be totally demoralising; the new government of whatever stripe should commit to doing away with it.
"For the most part Labour's small business initiatives are sound and none very expensive."