Strong Wool Sale
Strong Wool Sale
New Zealand Wool Services International Limited’s General Manager, Mr John Dawson reports that at today’s South Island Wool Sale prices held firm to slightly dearer across all categories.
The Trade Weighted Indicator continued its recent decline at 0.7269 against 0.7305 last week.
A small Half-bred offering was generally 2.5 to 3.5 percent dearer through all microns 25 to 30.
Crossbred Fleece, Second Shear and related oddments continued the strong trends of recent North and South Island sales selling par to 2 percent above previous quotations.
Fine Crossbred Fleece when compared to the South Island on the 11th rose 1.5 to 2 percent. Coarse Crossbred Fleece remained firm.
Compared to the North Island 18th to 33 micron 3 to 5 inch remained firm while 32 to 36 micron 3 to 5 inch through to 2 to 4 inch were 2 to 3 percent dearer.
Coarse Crossbred Early Shorn and Second Shear compared to the North Island 18th 2 to 4 percent dearer.
Combing Oddments compared to the South were extreme rising fully 7 percent while Clothing Oddments compared to the North 18th September 33 to 36 micron
September Fine Crossbred Early Shorn and Second Shear types 32 September were 5 percent dearer.
October comprises approximately 6,600 bales from the North Island only.