Policies and procedures amended following conviction
Mike Greer Homes today confirmed that the company had amended its policies and procedures following conviction of non-compliance with the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.
The company was engaged last year to construct a replacement home on a Christchurch property following the demolition of the former dwelling by a third party. An application for authority to excavate on a site of interest to Heritage New Zealand was not lodged in advance of earthworks commencing.
"Mike Greer Homes is committed to protecting New Zealand's cultural heritage and identity,” said Richard McEwan, CEO of Mike Greer Homes NZ Ltd.
“We value the opportunity to contribute to the recovery of Canterbury following the earthquakes and we have certainly treated this incident as a reminder of the need to invest in people and processes that protect our country's heritage."
“We have reviewed and amended our systems significantly to reflect the importance of archeological discovery in this unique environment.”
The company is also contributing significantly to the collaborative development of a scholarship through Otago University’s Anthropology Department to advance archeological knowledge and investigation opportunities generated by the Christchurch rebuild.