Launching the Internet research funding round
Launching the Internet research funding round
This is a blog post that has appeared on InternetNZ's website at:
Every year InternetNZ gives away money to a bunch of different people and organisations to im-prove the Internet and our use of it.
We do it because our vision is for a better world through a better Internet. And to achieve that vi-sion, we recognise that we are in a position where we can help make others make it a reality.
This year we have already had funding rounds for conference attendance, community projects and a special funding round to help the Internet and its uses in Canterbury.
Today we are opening our Internet Research funding round. We’re giving away $80,000 to help fund individuals or organisations conducting research projects focused on Internet topics and issues.
Some amazing projects have come out of community grants focused on Internet research in the past. You can read the full list of projects we’ve funded by visiting our past funding page, but some recent highlights have studying how New Zealanders view their human rights when using the Internet, or getting into technical space, looking at whether network coded TCP can improve the quality of streaming data across long distance links in the South Pacif-ic.
The first stage of applying for funding is a simple one, you visit the application page and provide us with a few details – who you are, what you’re wanting to do, etc. From there we shortlist and then we get a detailed proposal from you.
We’re passionate about helping the Internet community’s work. We’re keen to help keep people and organisations focused on improving the Internet for everyone. We want to hear from anyone whose dreamed of doing a research based project but who need funding support to make it happen. This is one of our core functions. We are a community enabler.
What we want is a better Internet. And we want to help others to make that a reality.