New Trends in Exercise - How to Cut Fiction from Fact
New Trends in Exercise - How to Cut the Fiction from the Fact
MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release - 31
March 2015
FROM: The New Zealand Register of Exercise
Professionals (REPs)
It seems that new health and exercise trends are popping up all over the place; it’s hard to keep up.
Luckily, if you work with an educated and skilled personal trainer that is REPs (NZ Register of Exercise Professionals) registered, you don’t need to keep up. You have access to up to date advice on many topics whenever you need it by asking your trainer.
While many ideas are promoted as being new, the fact is that by the time a trend has reached the top trends list, it has probably been around for a while.
We recommend going straight to the experts. A REPs registered exercise professional who will be able to give you the background on any new development, and cut the fact from the fiction.
The area of health and exercise is one that’s changing all the time, so what was recommended just a few years ago may be out of date. So if you are going to invest in yourself, you don’t want to waste time on ideas that are out of date.
To give you a head start, we thought we’d beat the media and let you know in advance what some of the areas that will be making headlines soon, and how these developments will be making their way into your exercise routine.
The Health Affects of Stress - Adrenal fatigue is not a term that has hit the mainstream yet. It refers to a state, related to stress, when your body cannot keep up with the stress of your life and as a result is prone to fatigue and injury.
Dave Liow, an ex pat New Zealander based in Australia, and an industry expert reminds us that being fit and healthy is not just about exercising our muscles and strengthening our bones, and that we need to focus on what is happening on the inside as well. In cases of extreme fatigue, he is a fan of TLC rather than intense exercise.
The concept of ‘go hard or go home’ is not going to help improve health in a highly stressed person in this state. You will notice exercise selection and recommendations from your REPs Registered Exercise Professional on intensity taking into account factors other than fitness levels.
The Health Impact of Sitting - This has started making news headlines. The amount of sitting we are doing, with sedentary jobs and lives is having a major effect on our health, and increasing the chance of lifestyle diseases. What is more startling is that the negative effect of sitting all day at a desk cannot be undone with a workout.
Richard Beddie, CEO of ExerciseNZ is a convert to avoiding sitting all day. He moved to a standing desk a year ago and hasn’t looked back. “The current mantra is ‘sitting is the new smoking’, and it’s clear the evidence is piling to support this. A telling sign is that Apple, a company known for painstakingly detailed research, has included sitting/standing as one of the three metrics with the new Apple watch. Many will know that exercise is just one piece of the puzzle of a healthy lifestyle (just as nutrition is). What’s now clear is that what one does for eight hours at work is now vying for attention at the same level, and the solution is simple - stand up! “
Your exercise professional will be focusing not just on what goes on during your session, but advising on what you are doing for the other 13 hours of the day.
Being discerning with information sources - With easy access to any information, not all of it will be guaranteed to have any scientific backing, or be from a person who has any training. Checking in on education, affiliations and skills training will become more important as consumers seek to get the right advice the first time. There is no one size fits all solution to exercise and health, and factors such as age, medical and injury history, and personal preferences are important.
By the time a new exercise development hits the ‘top trends’ list, it has most likely been around for a while. In order to get the latest developments to improve your health and exercise levels, why wait. Head to your nearest REPs Registered Exercise Professional or facility and get the best advice first.