Slingshot purchases Woosh customer base
Monday, 27 July, 2015
Slingshot purchases Woosh customer base
Slingshot has purchased 9,000 Woosh customer
contracts today.
Mark Callander, chief executive of M2 NZ, which owns Slingshot, says the acquisition of the fixed line and transitional capable wireless customers is a natural addition to the existing Slingshot business.
The customers – all of Woosh’s fixed line, and fixed line capable wireless customers – will become Slingshot customers.
“Slingshot has worked hard to become the leading ISP for service, and I’m confident that the Woosh customers will like their new home,” Callander said.
The migration of all of Woosh’s DSL and DSL capable customers will take around 90 days. Customers will be contacted directly by Woosh and Slingshot in regards to their transition.