Lifting the lid on pasture underperformance
Lifting the lid on pasture underperformance
October 2015
by Huw Murray, Ravensdown Technical
Manager Agronomy
The competitive advantage of New Zealand’s pasture-based system has been in the spotlight. But as any farmer knows, not all pasture was created equal. Getting pasture producing at its peak is all about the good old one-two punch: assessment then action.
The weather is obviously a dominant factor in pasture production. But cool spring or dry autumn conditions can also mask other problems with pasture performance.
Before rushing into pasture renewal, assessing the scale of the issue is the vital first step. Handy reference cards to use while paddock walking are available on the Pasture Renewal Charitable Trust website. The use of pasture measurement tools such as C-Dax Pasture Meters and mapping tools will make underperforming paddocks much more visible. When combined with more detailed soil testing data and paddock walking, diagnosing the problem will be much easier.
Accurately assessing any performance gap and its causes increases the chance of successful resolution and vice versa. For example, remedial work can be completed only to have the same issues come back to affect the new pasture.
If insects were causing the issues, a break crop of non-grass species, such as brassicas, may be required to remove the insects so they don’t affect the germinating new pasture. There are a range of novel endophyte options available depending on the insects present with differing impacts on animal production.
The use of companion herbicides in combination with glyphosate to remove problem weeds might be called for. In some cases, pasture renewal may not be needed because a soil nutrient deficiency is identified as the limiting factor.
There are a range of factors to consider when selecting what species/cultivar to use. The range of pasture-damaging insects will determine the type of endophyte used, but also the timing of peak pasture growth – and that doesn’t mean all year round! Looking at your pasture production records and animal feed demand will aid in deciding which species and/or cultivar will best meet your needs.
With ryegrasses, the use of different flowering dates can extend peak pasture production and have an impact on summer quality. In certain environments ryegrass won’t be the best option for either pasture production or persistence.
As it could be a mix of all three, agronomic advice from someone you trust is a very good idea!