Water regime needs complete overhaul
22 April 2016
Water regime needs complete
Water is key to NZ’s economic growth, and business needs certainty over the rights to use it, says BusinessNZ.
BusinessNZ’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment released today recommends a complete overhaul of the regime for dealing with water.
“It is not enough to simply say ‘pay for water use’ – there are many issues that need to be resolved,” BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope said.
“The ability to trade a right to take water is important for efficient, highest-value use, and environmental, social and cultural considerations must also be taken into account.”
Mr Hope said allocation of water rights, dealing with over-allocation, length of consent periods, treatment of consents on expiry, tradability of consents, the role of local government in consenting and managing water rights, and the role of iwi interests all need addressing.
BusinessNZ’s recommendations include:
· Allocation limits being based on appropriate consultation and scientific modelling
· Allowing trade in water rights
· Grandparenting of existing rights
· Clear definition of constraints on water use rights
· Clarity around the role of local government in allocating and managing water rights
· Clarity around the role of iwi, to be resolved between the Crown and iwi
BusinessNZ’s submission Next Steps for Fresh Water is
on www.businessnz.org.nz