DairyNZ CalvingSmart events will set farmers up
DairyNZ CalvingSmart events will set farmers up for a successful calving season
DairyNZ is running CalvingSmart events in June and July to help farmers approach the calving season with confidence.
The CalvingSmart event is a full day programme for the whole farm team. Farmers can choose from a series of sessions for different experience levels, enabling them to develop practical skills that will help the calving season go well.
For senior management, there is a session on calf care and farmers’ responsibilities under the new draft animal welfare regulations.
Other sessions include new colostrum research, management approaches to the prevention of lameness and mastitis and how to keep teams healthy and motivated throughout the calving season.
For new entrants and farm assistants, the junior workshop will provide hands-on training. Participants will learn to identify the signs of calving, stages of labour and normal and abnormal calf presentation. They will also get some practical tips on how to look after themselves during what is a hectic time of year.
DairyNZ’s animal husbandry and welfare team manager, Chris Leach, says everyone in the farm team can benefit from attending a CalvingSmart event.
“Everyone on farm has a part to play in ensuring that all animals are treated with respect and cared for in a healthy and safe environment. Being prepared and staying healthy will make for an easier stress-free spring,” says Chris.
Events are free for all levy-paying dairy farmers and their staff. Registrations are essential and can be completed online at dairynz.co.nz/calvingsmart.