Brief Counsel, 04 July 2016
Brief Counsel 04 July 2016
Asia Region Funds Passport
will facilitate the cross-border offering of managed
The Asia Region Funds Passport will provide a
multilaterally agreed framework for offering high quality
regulated managed funds across participating economies
without having to go through a full regulatory approval
Most New Zealand fund managers will not meet the size requirements so the passport’s attractiveness will be limited until offering documentation and tax treatment are covered or aligned. But at least it is a start.
What is the Asia Region Funds Passport?
The Memorandum of Cooperation between New Zealand, Australia, Japan and South Korea came into effect last week (Thursday, 30 June 2016). It sets out the internationally agreed rules and cooperation mechanisms for the Asia Region Funds Passport. Participating economies will need to implement the arrangements through their national laws by 31 December 2017.
The Asia Region Funds Passport provides a framework under which an operator of an eligible managed fund in a Passport member economy will be able to offer interests in that fund to investors in other Passport member economies.
It relieves the operator of the Passport Fund from the need to obtain certain regulatory approvals that would otherwise be required under the host economy laws in respect of the issue or offer of interests in the Passport Fund, provided that the issue or offer is done through a qualified distributor.
The Passport does not, however, go as far as the trans-Tasman mutual recognition scheme. For example, the operator of a Passport Fund must still prepare offer documents in accordance with regulatory requirements of each host economy where the Passport Fund is offered.
What is not covered under the Asia Region Funds Passport?
Each participant economy may still impose additional requirements on the Passport Funds that apply in addition to the Passport Rules, in areas such as:
disclosure documents and annual and periodic reporting
to members
licensing requirements relating to
distribution, provision of financial advice, custody
services and dealing in financial products
advertising of
financial products
anti-money laundering and countering
of financial of terrorism, and
any rules on registration
as a foreign company or appointing a local
What are the eligibility criteria for an
operator of a Passport Fund?
One of the specific goals of the Passport is to promote investor protection. Therefore, in order to be able to take advantage of the Passport, both the operator and the managed fund itself must comply with strict eligibility criteria.
When the proposed regime is adopted, an operator of a regulated managed fund may lodge an application to register the fund, or its sub fund, as a Passport Fund with the home regulator.
The operator of the regulated managed fund must:
have its principal place of
business in the home economy and be regulated by the home
regulator for the operation of the CIS (i.e. any New Zealand
based fund manager must be licensed under the Financial
Markets Conduct Act (FMCA) as a manager of a managed
investment scheme)
have the minimum of US$500 million
(approximately NZ$715 million) assets under
have at least US$1 million (approximately
NZ$1.4 million) additional capital (with further amounts
depending on the size of the fund)
have officers that
meet the qualification requirements
meet certain
organisational requirements
have a minimum of five years
track record, and
meet the good standing test.
are the eligibility criteria for the Passport Fund?
The Passport Fund must:
be offered to the public generally in
the home economy (i.e. any New Zealand based Passport Fund
must be a managed investment scheme registered under the
invest in only simple financial products (such as
currency, deposits, depository receipts over gold,
transferable securities (e.g. shares and bonds) and money
market instruments)
be highly diversified
comply with
the restrictions on derivatives, securities lending and
borrowing, and
restrict the ability to charge performance
fees and prohibit short-selling.
Before offering
interests in a host economy, the Passport Fund must apply to
the host regulator for entry. The application for entry can
be refused by the host regulator only under certain limited
Who will regulate the Passport Funds and the operator?
The operator and the Passport Fund must comply with both the home economy and host economy laws and regulations. That means any offshore fund manager offering funds in New Zealand under the Passport must comply with the FMCA (including having a PDS and a register entry on the Disclose register).
The Memorandum of Cooperation came into effect on 30 June 2016. Participating economies will need to implement the arrangements through their national laws by 31 December 2017.
Our view
The Passport will bring limited benefits for the New Zealand fund managers, only some of whom will be able to take advantage of the bigger Asian markets. For foreign fund managers outside the Asia Pacific region, the Passport offers the opportunity to access the market via a single “home regulator” in one of the participating economies.
Currently only four countries have signed up for the Passport. If it is to be successful, more will need to join. Two big challenges will be the high barriers to entry and the possibility for participating economies to impose additional requirements.
The Passport does, however, start the process of gradually aligning the laws and regulations of the home and host economies, and may lead to more streamlined processes in the future.