Women take a look behind the scenes at MainPower in Rangiora
Women take a look behind the scenes at MainPower in Rangiora
MainPower in Rangiora recently hosted a group of women looking to start a career in the electricity supply industry.
The group spent the day at MainPower’s head office in Rangiora yesterday where they learnt about the electricity distribution industry and career opportunities. The group were taken on a site tour, heard from women working in the industry and were taught how to wire their own extension cords.
The open day was part of an initiative by Connexis - the industry training organisation for New Zealand's infrastructure industry - to help attract more women into trade and technical roles.
It was one of a series of open days to be held
throughout the country in June as part of 'Girls with
Hi-Vis' month. Employees in the power, roading, water and
telecommunications industries invited sisters, daughters,
friends and wives to work for a day in a bid to attract more
women to work in the industry.
MainPower Human Resources Manager Sandra O’Donohue says the day was a success. "At the end of the day, all of the participants expressed an interest in pursuing training in the electricity distribution sector." Connexis CEO Helmut Modlik says, "Yet another fantastic industry open day that not only highlights the career opportunities within the industry, but also allows participants an actual 'hands on' interactive insight into what working in the industry entails."