Dimension Data’s Steps for Creating a Cyber Secure Workplace
Dimension Data’s Four Steps for Creating a
Cyber Secure Workplace
Walking the tightrope
– security versus freedom for the mobile
[Wellington, New Zealand, 11 OCT 2016] – Our hyper-connected world brings opportunity and risk.
Speaking at the launch of New Zealand’s annual cyber security awareness week, Dimension Data New Zealand CEO Jo Healey revealed the organisation’s simple four-step process to help companies stay cyber secure.
The four steps are designed to help businesses of all sizes to balance the need for a free and mobile workforce with security requirements, says Healey.
The goal of Connect Smart Week is to raise cyber awareness for individuals and organisations. The biggest risks to our cyber security are not coming from what we may think are the most obvious sources, says Healey. “It is every day users, who are often the weakest links in the chain.”
Users have become the ‘new perimeter’ of an organisation, particularly those who are accessing key systems and data via devices that aren’t comprehensively managed by the business, she says.
“While it is easy for an organisation to secure its systems in the workplace, today’s workers are not static. The growing prevalence of mobile workers globally, and in New Zealand, means the perimeter of an organisation’s network could, literally, be anywhere.”
Cybercriminals know that if they can reach a user they can gain access to an organisation’s data, says Healey.
Attacks come in many forms. But there are four simple things organisations and workers can do to make sure they are being cyber smart.
1. Understand the needs of your workforce
If the end-user is the new end point in terms of cybersecurity, then engagement with the end-user should be the logical starting point in any end-user computing strategy. It’s a good idea to listen closely to what the end-user requires in order to complete their work tasks and find out what applications they actually use.
2. Understand your key risk points
You need to understand where your key risks are. This means evaluating and ranking your organisations devices and applications according to the perceived level of risk.
3. Develop firm, transparent policies
A firm policy framework should be based on balancing your end-user needs and your risk points. This policy can be simple but it must be clear. For example, you can govern the access to applications by device, software, or even geographical region — restricting access when exposed to high-risk networks.
4. Communicate and educate
The key is then to communicate these policies transparently as end-users will only adopt them if they understand why they’re in place. This requires ongoing communication and education to keep users up to date and vigilant.
The worst thing any organisation can do is ignore the risks, says Healey.
Connect Smart is a public-private partnership that promotes ways for individuals, businesses and schools to protect themselves online. Dimension Data has been a part of Connect Smart since its conception in 2014.
For more information, visit Dimension Data or Connect Smart.