Interim Project Director Appointed to Dam
Media Release
11 May
Interim Project Director Appointed to Dam
Tasman District Council and Waimea Irrigators Limited, on behalf of the Waimea Water Augmentation Project (WWAP), have appointed John Hutton to the role of Interim Project Director.
The appointment is necessary now because the WWAP team overseeing the delivery of the various work streams has come to the view the project is sufficiently advanced that it needs a step up in the level of direction and a dedicated project office needs to be established.
John Hutton’s tasks are to:
1. act as Project Director in the interim period ahead of the appointment of a permanent Project Director;
2. propose an agreement to the parties for funding (resourcing) the role in the longer term and get the respective funding partners’ agreement at governance level;
3. develop a plan to set up the office
4. set up a WWAP Office on an interim basis;
5. set up the process of recruiting a Project Director to be appointed once the project outcome is more certain;
6. support the transition from these interim arrangements to a Project Office that can support the ongoing project.
John has undertaken similar consultancies locally. He has a strong CV; was an Arizona State Senator and is highly experienced in human resources, management and change globally.
John grew up in the USA. He now lives in the District, and jointly owns and operates a boutique accommodation business near Motueka.