‘From Work to Wonder’ Whānau Ora Conference
16 June 2017
‘From Work to Wonder’ Whānau Ora Conference
Reviewing the evidence, innovative work and planning for the future will be the centre of Pasifika Futures’ Whānau Ora Conference, to be held at the James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor in Wellington on 31 July and 1 August.
Whānau Ora partners and key agencies will come together to acknowledge the commissioning work undertaken during the last three years, to share experiences, and to celebrate the Whānau Ora journey in addition to planning for the future.
Debbie Sorensen, Pasifika Futures Chief Executive says this is an important time of the year for the Conference as it recognises and celebrates three years of Pacific Whānau Ora commissioning work.
“All our partners will be under one roof to share with us their experiences with Whānau Ora, their plans, and talk about the aspirations and successes of families they work with. It will be a significant two-day conference.”
“There will be dialogue on the results based on meaningful outcomes of being financially independent and resilient, living long and healthy lives, being educated, skilled and employed, leading and caring for families and communities.”
The conference is also aimed at the challenge and future opportunities for the programme based on evidence of families involved, describing their journeys.
“There is also a lot of planning for the future using positive data and the evidence we have which demonstrates significant improvement in the commissioning model and working with key organisations to do the best they can to support more families.”
Mrs Sorensen says as the third year of Pasifika Futures commissioning work ends on 30 June, the organisation continues to focus on achieving targets, reaching more families and working with more partners to implement new and innovative plans.
“We are pleased with what we have achieved so far but there is still a bit of work to do.”
“The conference is fundamental to determine a future way of working with our partners so more will have better access to a range of services, greater participation in education, better housing, better nutrition, higher household incomes and to deliver on those significant outcomes.”
“We are pleased with the way we work with our partners and we look forward to a productive conference to inform and inspire our work in the future,” says Mrs Sorensen.
For more information, go to www.pasifikafutures.co.nz