MyAdvice.Legal Launches Offical Chinese Version
MyAdvice.Legal Launches Offical Chinese Version
Today, MyAdvice.Legal launched its official Chinese version of the website in response to demand from many new migrants who cannot speak English and are requiring legal advice in their own language.
Mai Chen, Founder of MyAdvice.Legal, said “We wanted to be responsive to New Zealand’s growing number of Chinese new migrants. By providing MyAdvice.Legal in their own language, we hope that they will be able to seek legal advice to address their problems”.
MyAdvice.Legal is an online marketplace that provides a platform for matching clients with legal problems with lawyers that have expertise in the relevant area of law. Since launching in October last year, MyAdvice.Legal already has close to 500 clients and 100 lawyers registered on the site.
“Some Asian immigrants come from countries that do not have the rule of law, and find it hard to comply with New Zealand’s laws. More Asians are getting into trouble with the justice system as their numbers grow in the general population, and there are more Asians in court. MyAdvice.Legal in mandarin will provide them with access to the lawyers with the right expertise to assist and in a language they understand,” Ms Chen said.
Ms Chen said “We are doing our part in enhancing the cultural capability (“CQ”) of MyAdvice.Legal, and of the legal profession.”
The Chinese version of the website was launched on the first day of the Chinese New Year, which is the Year of the Dog.
It is free for clients to use MyAdvice.Legal to submit a legal problem. You can go to the website at