Beef + Lamb NZ welcomes certainty for infected properties
Beef + Lamb NZ welcomes certainty for infected Mp.bovis properties
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has announced that all cattle on properties infected with the Mycoplasma bovis (Mp.bovis) cattle disease will be culled and the farmers’ losses compensated.
“The MPI decision that cattle on all infected properties will be culled provides clarity to farmers that have been living with this uncertainty,” said Dave Harrison, General Manager Policy and Advocacy at B+LNZ.
“This has been a very trying few months for affected farmers who have been restricted from trading, borne extra costs, and suffered worr y and anxiety about the future.
“We will continue to support our farmers and work closely with MPI as it seeks to establish the extent of Mp. bovis spread in New Zealand, prior to making a decision about whether to eradicate the disease or seek to manage it.
“Regardless of what option is
pursued, B+LNZ is determined to ensure any lessons from
Mp. bovisare learned to make the livestock sector
more resilient to biosecurity