Additional scrutiny of Transpower's price-quality path
Additional scrutiny ahead of Transpower's price-quality path application
An independent verifier has been appointed to scrutinise key components of Transpower’s proposal for its price-quality path for the 5 years from 2020 ahead of it being submitted to the Commerce Commission for approval.
As Transpower has a monopoly over the national electricity transmission grid, the Commission sets the maximum revenue it can earn from its customers and minimum standards of quality it must meet. This happens once every 5 years, with the next reset taking effect in 2020.
“Transpower has agreed to pilot using an independent verifier ahead of submitting its proposal. The verifier will be able to frontload work, testing the assumptions underpinning Transpower’s capital and operating expenditure and demand forecasts,” Commission Deputy Chair Sue Begg said.
“The use of a verifier should result in Transpower submitting a better quality and more robust proposal. This will help us focus our review of Transpower’s proposal on the areas which require greater scrutiny.”
The verifier Transpower has engaged is Synergies Economic Consulting, with GHD providing engineering support. Their report will accompany Transpower’s proposal to the Commission in December. The verifier will also attend meetings with the Commission to help inform its evaluation of the proposal.
“The use of an independent verifier worked well for Powerco’s recent application for a major network upgrade. There, the verifier’s scrutiny resulted in the electricity lines company reducing its capital and operating spending forecast by around 5%. This resulted in a better outcome for consumers who ultimately pay for the investment through their power bills,” Ms Begg said.
If the verification pilot is successful, the Commission expects to consult on whether it should be made mandatory for future Transpower price-quality resets.
The deed and terms of reference for the verifier are available on our website.
The Commission expects to
release a process paper for the reset later this year and
make its final decision on Transpower’s 2020-2025
price-quality path by the end of 2019. The reset will take
effect from1 April 2020.
Transpower is a State-Owned Enterprise that owns and
operates the national high voltage electricity transmission
network. As a system operator, it also manages the real-time
coordination of the electricity market. As a monopoly
supplier of electricity transmission services, the revenue
it is allowed to earn from its customers and quality
standards it must meet are regulated under Part 4 of the
Commerce Act. The Electricity Authority estimates that
transmission charges make up about 10% of a typical
household electricity bill.
The verifier has a duty of care to the
Commission (as well as to Transpower) to act as an
independent expert and with reasonable care when carrying
out its scrutiny.
Relationship to the Capex IM review
The Commission decided to pursue a verification
pilot for Transpower’s RCP3 proposal as part of the
Commission’s review of the rules relating to
Transpower’s capital expenditure (as set out in the
Transpower Capital Expenditure Input Methodology
Determination). More information on that decision is
available here.
Regulation of natural
Price-quality path regulation is
designed to achieve similar outcomes to competitive markets
so that consumers benefit in the long term. This includes
making sure that monopoly suppliers are limited in their
ability to earn excessive profits and have incentives to
innovate and invest in their infrastructure and deliver
services at a quality their consumers’