HealthCare NZ and Geneva Healthcare Restructuring
STATEMENT FROM: HealthCare NZ and Geneva Healthcare
HealthCare NZ and Geneva Healthcare
Hon Wyatt Creech
HealthcareNZ Holdings 2018
Outcome of Restructuring
HealthCare NZ (HealthCare of New Zealand Holdings Ltd) provides community based healthcare services under contract for District Health Boards (DHBs), ACC, Ministry of Health and other Government agencies.
Six months ago, HealthCare NZ purchased Geneva Healthcare, a provider of a similar range of community based health services.
At the time of purchase, the company advised that for commercial reasons it would run these providers as separate competing entities. The company has reinforced this structural separation by moving Geneva Healthcare from operating as a subsidiary of HealthCare NZ to operating under a separate holding company.
Both HealthCare NZ and Geneva Healthcare will continue to have their own separate Board and management structure. As well as competing to provide services, both companies will continue to pursue separate new innovative solutions to benefit both funders and users of the service.
In structural terms, from the point of view of staff, clients and funders, there will be no change to the present arrangements.