Shareholders advised of information mistake
29 May 2018
Shareholders advised of information mistake
Mercury has today sent notifications to its shareholders apologising for a mistake where information not normally available was shared with the Companies Office and able to be viewed via the Companies Office website. The information included shareholders’ email addresses and Common Shareholder Numbers (CSN), and has since been removed.
Mercury’s Chief Financial Officer, William Meek, said the company was extremely sorry for the error, and apologised unreservedly.
“We don’t believe any negative consequences have been experienced by any shareholders because of this, but it shouldn’t have happened,” Mr Meek said.
“While the risk associated with this information being made available is considered very low, and steps have been taken to mitigate that risk, including contacting shareholders, it’s important to acknowledge such mistakes and learn from them,” Mr Meek said.
“We regularly state our commitment to privacy and work hard to live up to that commitment. We have put in place process changes to prevent this happening again.”
As well as initiating communication with shareholders who were on Mercury’s register at 7 November 2017, Mercury has also informed the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner.
A copy of Mercury’s communication with shareholders, including Q&A, can be read via