SAE call for more women in film
15 October 2018
SAE call for more women in film
Where are the female
filmmakers? Why aren’t we seeing more women behind the
camera, in the director’s chair or the editing room? These
are just some of the questions that has led SAE Auckland to
put on their second all-women screen production workshop,
ChicFlix, on Saturday November 17.
This workshop is part of a broader initiative of SAE’s commitment to closing the gender gap in the creative industries. ChicFlix is the sister event to ChicMix, an all-women workshop focusing on audio production.
Dr Julia Reynolds is a lecturer in film at SAE and will be facilitating multiple workshops over the day.
“I am so encouraged and excited by the rising numbers of women enrolling into our diploma and degree programmes in screen. These women are the future of New Zealand film,” says Dr Reynolds, she continues “We have a long way to go, but events like ChicFlix are making a difference by allowing women to recognise that film is a viable career option.”
Held at the SAE Auckland campus in Parnell, the workshops will be led by an all-female cast of SAE staff in their professional studios, using state-of-the-art equipment. All participants need to bring is an open and inquisitive mind.
“I’m so proud of what we deliver here at SAE and our ongoing commitment to supporting women in creative industries” says SAE Auckland Campus Director Dr Suzette Major “I feel creativity thrives on diversity, and initiatives like these can make a real difference”
Like audio and music, screen is an industry where the gender gap is still overtly wide. Women make up 2%1of cinematographers in Hollywood, and only 8% of directors. While the local statistics are slightly better, women are still in the minority for this industry.
ChicFlix builds on the work of other local initiatives, such as, the ground-breaking work of WIFT – Women in Film and Television.
“It’s our small way of trying to make a big difference” explains Dr Major.
ChicFlix workshop will run over one day across four mini
workshops. The hands-on workshops are tailored to budding
amateur filmmakers in a supportive environment that enables
artistic expression. Topics covered will include:
Green Screen
• Lighting & FX
• Video
• Audio Post Production
Challenge yourself and join the movement - get your tickets now!
In the most recent NZQA External Evaluation and Review (EER) SAE received the highest possible rating as a high performing, high-quality tertiary provider. SAE Auckland offers workshops, Diplomas and Degrees in Audio, Music and Screen Production.