Canterbury business leader farewelled
Canterbury business leader farewelled
Business leader Stephen Collins leaves an outstanding legacy for Canterbury and New Zealand, says BusinessNZ President Vaughan Renner.
Mr Renner said the passing of former BusinessNZ and Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce President Stephen Collins was a sad loss for the business and Canterbury communities.
"Stephen Collins made a huge contribution to New Zealand and Christchurch throughout his life.
"As a founder and leader of significant New Zealand companies and great supporter of the Canterbury community, Stephen has given generously to New Zealand."
Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Leeann Watson said Stephen Collins’ vision and commitment live on in the redeveloping Christchurch city centre.
"Steve not
only made an enormous contribution to the Chamber over 20
years as an active Board member but his passion and drive
for the central city was unwavering and as a result, he has
left a lasting legacy in our