DuraBuild Construction Resume Work Under Alert Level 3
Like many builders and tradespeople across New Zealand, DuraBuild Construction returned to their building sites on Tuesday upon the Covid-19 alert level downgrade.
While they Warkworth building company are resuming operation, the way in which they work has drastically changed. DuraBuild Construction Director, Mike Bronkhorst explains some of the changes the company has made to business operation under alert level 3.
“We have laid out strict guidelines for how our sites operate. We want to make sure we and the rest of the construction sector, play our part in eliminating Covid-19”.
Level 3 construction site guidelines include a sign-in/sign-out system, only one crew permitted on site at a time, 2m minimum distancing (horizonal and vertical) and no sharing of any tools. Additionally, workers must wash or sanitise their hands at a designated, on-site wash station prior to sign-in.
Workers are encouraged to continue wash their hands throughout the day and any worker feeling even slightly ill must stay at home.
“It isn’t about ticking boxes”, say Bronkhorst. “We want an environment where our guys can return to their livelihoods without compromise their health or safety”.
“Though the measures are stringent and may cause a few occasional delays here and there, we want to do our utmost to ensure we stamp out this virus and avoid any chance of a return to alert level 4”.
DuraBuild have returned to several sites across Warkworth, Mangawhai and Omaha, implementing these guidelines and setting up wash stations. The company are currently accepting building and excavation work in preparation for a busy Winter.