Manuka Honey: Why This Should Be In Your Pantry
With ‘immunity’ being such a hot health topic of late and with seasonal changes, it seems timely to share the very real benefits of Nature Bee’s New Zealand manuka Honey.
Manuka honey is a New Zealand native honey and is made from nectar collected by bees that forage on the wild manuka tree, which give it a distinctive flavour. Known for its powerful antibacterial properties, manuka honey is different from traditional honey.
A study in 1991 from the Honey Research Unit in New Zealand showed that when you removed the hydrogen peroxide from a range of honeys, manuka was the only type that kept its ability to kill bacteria.
Dr. Peter Molan from the University of Waikato in New Zealand has been researching manuka honey and its health benefits since 1995. His research has shown that manuka honey, from the manuka bush in New Zealand, is extremely unique as it possesses rare healing properties.
The University of Waikato have published numerous academic articles on the unique benefits of manuka honey. On this website you will discover three decades of research on honey at the University of Waikato, and from researching the literature published by other researchers around the world.
Here is one of many journal articles written by Dr Nolan: Permanent Research Commons link: and published by The National Beekeeper’s Association of New Zealand in 2013. This article considers the therapeutic benefits, dimensions and uses of Manuka honey.
The powerful ingredient is called ‘Methylglyoxal’ and is responsible for these antibacterial effects and benefits. Known for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits since ancient times, manuka honey has been used in a variety of cultures.
Some applications include use for wound healing, soothing sore throats, preventing tooth decay and improving digestive issues. Applied topically, manuka honey effectively treats burns, ulcers and non-healing wounds. It has also been shown to combat antibiotic-resistant strains of infections, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This is a type of staph bacteria that’s become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections.
Manuka honey’s ability to treat acne are favourable given its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. For natural skin-softening treatment you can spread honey on your face. We recommend leaving for 15 minutes for an instant rejuvenating effect. For blemishes and pimples, you can treat the natural way. Apply a mix of salt and honey directly to pimples at night. Cover until the blemish breaks open, then reapply the honey which will form a seal and finish the rapid healing process.
With the change of seasons, enjoy the many benefits of New Zealand’s finest manuka honey. Purchase manuka Honey from NatureBee and taste the unique flavours of New Zealand wildflowers and manuka honey.