Gull Holds Fuel Prices Until Friday Despite Excise Tax Increase
Gull says the national petrol tax that will hit motorists from Wednesday 1 July is the third of pre-planned annual excise tax increases announced by the government in late 2018. Gull will hold the line and not raise its prices so Kiwis can benefit from cheaper prices for a few days longer.
The 4 cents per litre (including GST) fuel excise tax increase comes into effect on Wednesday 1 July, pushing the excise tax alone to just over 70 cents per litre.
Gull Pricing Analyst, Crystal Feist says increasing fuel tax at a time when most Kiwi households are struggling and have felt the impact of Covid-19 is a bit cruel. The government committed to these increases in 2018, well before any of the economic unrest caused by the pandemic and seemingly have not reviewed the need for an excise tax increase since.
“Gull is committed to giving Kiwis the best value fuel in New Zealand, as we have always done but prices must inevitably increase so we are giving Kiwis a bit more time to fill their cars up.”
Gull Pricing Analyst, Crystal Feist says “We are committing to holding down our prices until at least Friday 3rd July 2020 when we’ll review our pricing again. We are determined to offer motorists a chance to catch their breath wherever possible, so we think it’s appropriate to pass on the pre-tax savings to our customers rather than using the excise tax as an excuse to push prices up.”
At our company operated retail network across the North Island, where Gull controls retail prices, average prices will be as follows until at least Friday 3rd July.
In addition, Gull has their lowest pump price at their Atiamuri site, selling as below:
You can visit the link to get a complete list of all their sites across the North Island.