Yesterday morning the Prime Minister announced that the date of the General Election will shift from 19 September to 17 October. The movement of the election from three weeks before our 14 - 15 October Building Nations Symposium to three days after has a material impact on the type of event we are able to hold.
In combination with the recurrence of COVID-19 in the community, the Prime Minister’s announcement to shift the election has necessitated a review of the date for ReBuilding Nations 2020. ReBuilding Nations 2020 will now take place on 18-19 November 2020. The programme and venue will remain the same, as we essentially ‘lift and shift’ the event in its entirety to the new dates.
We acknowledge this change of date for Building Nations is frustrating, however Infrastructure NZ is determined to ensure that the symposium is safe, impactful and productive. We trust you understand and support this change, and we look forward to welcoming you to yet another successful symposium.
Reserving Your Tickets
Infrastructure New Zealand is planning a comprehensive programme for ReBuilding Nations and we are anticipating higher attendance numbers than ever. We encourage all delegates to register now as places are limited. Discounted early bird rates and complimentary membership tickets are valid until 18 October. Click here to register now.

Key Themes
Confirmed Speakers
Click here to see all confirmed speakers.