Horticultural Training Offers High-value Career Options To Northland Youths
Thanks to a
partnership between Plant & Food Research and Orangewood
Packhouse, over the last four years 51 students from five
Northland secondary schools have graduated from a
horticultural programme that offers hands-on training and
NCEA credits. The Kerikeri Gateway Horticulture
Schools Programme has recently secured additional funding
from Te Taitokerau Trades Academy to continue its 5th
session in 2021. Championed by Plant & Food Research,
the programme is an investment in the future of science and
horticulture and supports the organisation’s Māori
strategy TONO and its goal to foster Māori talent,
particularly rangatahi Māori (Māori
youth). “It’s very encouraging news to us and
everyone who has worked towards making this happen despite
the challenges brought by COVID-19,” Stacey Whitiora,
Group GM Māori, Plant & Food Research, says. “The
additional funding recognises the programme’s value in
uplifting rangatahi Māori and the programme’s
contribution to Northland horticulture and the growing
Māori economy. The majority of participants identify as
Māori, and its great to see that the programme is opening
doors for these rangatahi into new education and employment
opportunities.” The funding from Te Taitokerau
Trades Academy will support 16 year 11-13 students to train
at Plant & Food Research Kerikeri Research Centre and
Orangewood Packhouse. The programme, managed and delivered
by New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI), is designed to
attract rangatahi to horticultural careers by providing
valuable hands-on learning while achieving credits outside
the classroom and help them smoothly transition from
education to employment. From an industry perspective, the
programme gives employers access to employees with much
needed practical and soft skills and an interest in
horticulture. In addition to soft skills, the
programme covers health and safety, winter pruning, field
grafting, kiwifruit canopy management, crop-thinning,
harvesting of kiwifruit, and grading and packing of fruit
crops. The students can earn up to 40 NCEA credits, which
appeals to students who prefer learning outside the static
classroom environment. The programme also provides students
with pastoral care, founded on the concept of tuakana/tēina
(reciprocal mentoring). The students have shown
exceptional dedication to their learning and assessment
outcomes on the programme. Since its inception, four
graduates have been employed by Orangewood in seasonal work
and two have worked in the Plant & Food Research
Kerikeri FastLab. A number of graduates of the programme
have gone on to higher learning, entered the workforce or
returned to