New, Streamlined Continuing Registration For New Zealand Architects: Teulo Has Partnered With The NZRAB
Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) platform Teulo has partnered with the New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) to make the continuing registration process easier and more straightforward for architects.
NZRAB is required by law to confirm that all New Zealand architects remain competent in their professional practice by conducting a Continuing Registration Competency Review (CRCR) every five years. To get their professional registration renewed, architects must complete CPD-accredited courses and activities with qualifying learning outcomes that "demonstrate that he or she has taken reasonable steps to maintain the currency of his or her architectural knowledge and skills since the last assessment."
By meeting and reporting on these CPD requirements, architects can then apply for an annual Certificate of Registration for each of the next five years.
Historically, this reporting and re-registration process has been laborious for the industry, but with this exciting partnership between Teulo and NZRAB, architecture and design professionals will reap the benefits of a new API (Application Programming Interface) that directly pulls details about CPD-accredited activities from Teulo’s learning platform into NZRAB’s reporting portal. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual inputting of CPD credits and streamlines the renewal process for both architects and reviewers.
“Continuing Registration Competency Reviews can make architects nervous,” says Judith Taylor, Acting Chief Executive of NZRAB. “This new API should take a lot of stress out of the process. Architects will now be able to see, at a glance, whether they’re meeting the requirements of ongoing registration and confirm any learning credits they need to add to their CPD record.”
Since 2019, Teulo has worked to build a strong professional network through its global digital platform that supports architects and designers (from both New Zealand and overseas) with top-quality, innovative, CPD-accredited content. This exciting partnership between Teulo and NZRAB marks a new phase of unity in the industry and a meaningful opportunity to improve New Zealand’s built environment by enabling architecture and design professionals to access quality learning materials and meet ongoing registration requirements more efficiently. “We regard Teulo as a key partner,” Judith says. “They offer a magnificent variety of accredited CPD events and are helping to ensure that those in the profession maintain lifelong learning. They are improving the sector through collaboration and, collectively, we are supporting highly skilled building professionals operating within a future-focused industry.”
The partners expect to see industry-wide benefits for membership organisations and industry bodies, including the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) and ArchitecturalDesigners New Zealand (ADNZ), as the whole sector works towards a more collaborative and joined-up approach. “These organisations are key stakeholders for NZRAB,” Judith says. “By working together, we can best serve the public and develop viable career pathways into architecture.
“This new API is part of a wider vision for NZRAB around the competencies required for architects. We’re currently reviewing both the initial registration and the continuing registration processes and adding specific requirements related to sustainability and cultural competency, both of which we view as critical knowledge for architects practising in Aotearoa New Zealand. Many architects already have advanced competency in these areas, but it’s an exciting shift to see them now embedded into our requirements.”
Teulo and NZRAB have been rolling out the new API in February and March 2025 ahead of the next continuing registration round. To learn more, visit or contact the Teulo team at
(Registered Architects Rules 2006, Rule 21(1)(b))
Teulo Ltd is an online education platform.
Teulo is really proud to offer NZ Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) and LBP (Licensed Building Practitioner) accredited content here on and through our live events. We are also a partner of the AIBC, Architects Institute of British Columbia, American Institute of Architects (AIA USA) and AACA, Architects Accreditation Council of Australia Standards, and registered as a resource under the two compulsory competencies with ARB, Architectural Registration Board, UK.