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E Hauora Ana, E Matahuhua Ana Te Ōhanga Māori, E Ai Ki Ngā Rangahau

Ka nui te āhua matahuhua o te ōhanga Maori, waihoki he maha hoki ngā whāinga wāhi e tupu tonu ai ia ki tōna tino teitei, e ai ki ngā kitenga a tētahi pūrongo nā Te Pūtea Mātua The Reserve Bank of New Zealand rāua ko tana hoa kōtui, a Business and Economic Research Ltd (BERL).

He whānui, he hōhonu kē atu ngā āhuatanga o te ōhanga Maori, e ai ki te pūrongo Te Ōhanga Māori, i whakaputaina i tēnei rā, tae atu ki ōna purutanga rawa a te ōhanga Māori, ana umanga, me te taha whakawhiwhi mahi, i te taenga ki te tau 2018 – i mua tata ake i te pānga mai o te mate urutā o Covid-19.

“Ka nui tō mātou hari ki te mahi tahi me Te Pūtea Matua ki te whakaputa i tēnei pūrongo hira mō te Ōhanga Māori. "Ka kapi i te Ōhanga Māori ngā mahi me ētahi atu kaupapa ka tāpiritia atu ki ngā whakataunga Tiriti, otirā, ka toro ki tua noa atu i ērā, me kī, kua noho hei whāriki mō te tupunga o te ōhanga o Aotearoa nui tonu" e ai ki te Kaitiro Ōhanga Matua o BERL, ki a Hillmarè Schulze.

Kei waenga i ngā kitenga matua maha o Te Ōhanga Māori:

  • He hohoro kē atu te tupu o te tokomaha o te taupori Māori, me tōna kāhui kaimahi, tēnā i te taupori whānui, ā, e ai ki ōna matapae ka noho hei ōrau whakatupu o te kāhui kaimahi o āpōpō;
  • Kua piki te uara o te kahupapa rawa o te ōhanga Māori ki te $68.7 piriona;
  • Mai i te tau 2013 kua kake te nui o ngā mahi a ngā umanga o ngā ahumahi mahi, tae atu ki te hangahanga, te mahi toa hokohoko, me ngā ratonga pēnei i ngā pāpāhotanga pārongo; ā
  • E noho ana te wātea mai o ngā moni haupū rawa tētahi aukati mō ngā umanga Māori.
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Ka noho ēnei rangahau hei kahupapa mō ngā tuituinga o ngā tau e tū mai nei, ina anga Te Pūtea Mātua kia piki tōna māramatanga ki te tirohanga o te ōhanga Māori, tae atu ki te matahuhuatanga, ngā pūtake, ngā wero me ngā whāinga wāhi; me tana hiahia kia whakapiria mai ēnei āhuatanga ki āna whakatau taketake.

"E ū ana mātou i te Pūtea Matua kia tino hāpaia e mātou ngā kitenga o tēnei pūrongo - kia whakapikia te māramatanga ki te ōhanga Māori; kia mōhiotia ka pēhea pea tōna pānga ki ō mātou kaupapa here, me te pā hoki o ā mātou kaupapa here ki te ōhanga Māori; me pēhea hoki te whai wāhi atu ki ngā kōrero i waenga i te rāngai tūmatanui, kia pai ake te mahi kōtui atu me ngāi Māori e ai ki a Christian Hawkesby, Assistant Governor/General Manager Economics, Financial Markets and Banking.

Mō te nuinga ka whakamahia Te Ōhanga Māori hei taputapu waihanga kaupapa here, ara mahi hoki mā ngāi Māori, mā ngā iwi, mā te kāwanatanga matua, ā-rohe hoki i te taha o ngā Māori, mō ngāi Māori hoki, mō ngā rā hoki e tū mai nei mō Aotearoa.

"Tō mātou tūmanako mā tēnei pūrongo e āwhina te hunga whakatau take i ngā rāngai tūmatanui, tūmataiti, hapori hoki kia pakari ā rātou whakatau paheko, kia tū tonu a ngāi Māori, otirā a Aotearoa katoa, i roto te taurikura," e ai ki a Christian.

"Tā tēnei pūrongo he whakaatu mai he matatini, te torowhānui ngā hua o te ōhanga Māori ki te ōhanga o Aotearoa. Kua uru a ngāi Māori ki roto i te kāhui kaimahi, i waho anō hoki, ā, he maha anō nga āhuatanga hei ako, e mārama ai tātou ki ngā tūranga rau o ngāi Maori mō tō tātou ōhanga."

Mā te rongo ka mōhio, mā te mōhio ka mārama, mā te mārama ka mātau, mā te mātau ka ora.

Ētahi atu kōrero:

  • Te Ōhanga Māori 2018
  • RBNZ’s Te Ao Māori page

Māori economy thriving and diverse, says research

The Māori economy is increasingly diverse and opportunities remain for it to continue growing and reach its full potential, a report produced by Te Pūtea Matua – The Reserve Bank of New Zealand in partnership with Business and Economic Research Ltd (BERL) concluded.

Released today, Te Ōhanga Māori provides a richer picture of the Māori economy, including asset holdings, business and employment as of 2018 – not long before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are proud to work with Te Pūtea Matua in producing this major report on the Māori economy. Te Ōhanga Māori encompasses activity and enterprise additional to, and far beyond, Treaty settlements, and more and more is an engine of growth in the economy of Aotearoa” says BERL Chief Economist, Hillmarè Schulze.

Among the many key findings of Te Ōhanga Māori are:

  • The Māori population and labour force are growing more rapidly than the general population and it is projected to be a rising proportion of the future workforce;
  • The Māori economy’s asset base is now $68.7 billion in value;
  • Since 2013 Māori businesses activity has increased in a range of industries, including construction, retail trade, and services such as information media; and
  • Access to capital is a barrier for Māori businesses.

The research will form the basis for ongoing engagement over the coming years as Te Pūtea Matua, looks to better understand the perspective of the Māori economy, including the diversity, drivers, challenges and opportunities; with a view to incorporating more closely into its core decision-making.

“We are committed at Te Pūtea Matua to follow through on the findings of this report – to develop a better knowledge of the Māori economy; to see how it could influence the impact of our policies and how our policies affect Te Ōhanga Māori in return; and to be part of ongoing korero among the public sector to better partner with Māori,” says Assistant Governor/General Manager Economics, Financial Markets and Banking, Christian Hawkesby.

More generally, Te Ōhanga Māori is a tool for Māori, iwi, central and local government agencies to use in creating policies and approaches with and for Māori and the future of Aotearoa New Zealand.

“We hope this report will help decision-makers in the public, private and community sectors to be empowered to make sound, collaborative decisions to ensure that Māori and all New Zealanders prosper into the future,” says Mr Hawkesby.

“The work on this report shows us that Māori contributions to the economy of Aotearoa are multi-faceted. Māori engage in economic activity both in and out of the labour force and there is more to learn and understand about the rich and many roles Māori play in our economy.”

Mā te rongo ka mōhio, mā te mōhio ka mārama, mā te mārama ka mātau, mā te mātau ka ora. – Through information comes awareness, through awareness comes understanding, through understanding comes knowledge, through knowledge comes life and wellbeing.

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