Kereama Wright Appointed As Te Arawa Content Manager
Te Reo Irirangi o Te Arawa (TRIoTA) board is pleased to announce the appointment of Kereama Wright (Te Arawa, Ngā Ruahine, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa) as the new ‘Content Manager’ of our Media hub. Kereama returns home to his whānau and iwi with extensive experience working in broadcasting and a wealth of knowledge as one of Māoridom’s most talented news reporters and producers.
“The board is extremely proud and excited to have Kereama as a part of our kaupapa and know that he brings with him passion, experience, innovation and bold ideas to advance our Te Arawa vision,” says TRIoTA Board member, Kahurangi Milne. “He’s worked across multiple platforms and allowed some of our people to share their most compelling stories with the world.”
Most recently Kereama has been the Executive Producer for Māori Television, managing Te Ao News. Having grown up in Rotorua, Te Arawa FM was always part of life and he now feels he can add some real value to the station and contribute to the overall direction. “I'm really excited by the new journey that lies ahead, Te Arawa FM has played a pivotal role in my life and was instrumental in helping my parents learn te reo Māori, who in turn, were able to pass it down to me and my siblings. My hope is to continue to build on the rich legacy that Te Arawa FM has and assist more whānau to acquire te reo rangatira for their future generations. "The media landscape is undergoing significant change right now and it's important for us as Te Arawa's united voice to adapt to the changing environment and ensure our voices our stories and our perspectives are heard and seen.”
Kereama and his whānau will be welcomed to the Te Arawa FM station with a whakatau by the board, staff, and Ngāti Whakaue koeke. Tuesday 4th May, 8:30am |1072 Haupapa Street, Rotorua.