E-Bikes: Dunedin’s Transport Of The Future
The wheel is arguably one of the most valuable human inventions ever. From clockwork to transport, it has fundamentally impacted how humans live. For centuries, the wheel has been the promoter of industry; and may even prove a helpful solution in our current fight against climate change.
Increasing numbers of cities across the world are promoting green spaces that limit, or even ban, cars as a means to lower carbon emissions. This has led to more individuals taking up walking or cycling to get around. Although many cities already boast a strong cycling culture – cheers to you, Amsterdam, with your 1.3 bicycles per resident – some have a longer way to go in promoting the adoption of bicycles as a primary form of transport.
Enter the e-cycle. Also known as the electronic bicycle or e-bicycle, the e-cycle offers a happy median between necessary faster transport and traditional pedal power. This battery powered bicycle can reach speeds of up to 40+ km/h, which is much faster than what an average cyclist can reach, and lowers a rider’s resistance in head winds. As a result, cycling to work just became far more pleasurable.
Since the e-cycle operates almost in the same way as a scooter, it’s also easier to navigate hills and gain bursts of speed when steering through traffic. These bicycles also offer a cost-effective solution in that they do not come with expensive associated costs like petrol or annual services.
Electric bikes in Dunedin are particularly gaining in popularity, as they help people maintain healthy lifestyles both as a form of general transport and for partaking in fun outdoor activities.
Considering the many benefits associated with e-cycles – a healthier environment, healthier people, and healthier social lives – predictions that these bikes may become the chosen mode of transport in the future are not without merit.