Unprecedented show of solidarity to get action on crime
Central Auckland business associations want urgent action on crime. At 10am today, Heart of the City, Newmarket, Parnell, Karangahape Road, Uptown and Ponsonby Business Associations will simultaneously release an open letter to the Prime Minister to hundreds of thousands of followers.
This is an unprecedented show of solidarity which sends a strong message that the spike in crime since COVID-struck must be dealt with. The group has been calling for a coordinated, cross government approach but crime statistics have continued to rise due to inaction.
Three immediate actions are
· Increased police resourcing and presence on the street
· Better management of emergency housing
· Services for mental health and addiction
Having raised their concerns and proposed solutions to government earlier this year, the group has had no response. As well as all the people living in central Auckland, it is a vibrant area that attracts thousands of people daily to work, shop, eat out and enjoy a wide range of entertainment. This area accounts for more than half of the regional night time economy that is worth nearly $1 billion a year. Inaction on crime will put this at risk.
The business associations want quick and decisive action to keep Auckland safe and appealing for locals and visitors.
A copy of the open letter is here.