NZ Seed Exports Holding Up 22 February 2022
Despite ongoing COVID pandemic complications and shipping challenges, New Zealand’s seed exports are holding up well.
Over 55,000 tonnes or the equivalent of around 2750 shipping containers of high quality specialty seed was sent to over 70 international markets, worth more than $236m (FoB) in calendar year 2021, according to latest StatsNZ’s Overseas Trade Statistics.
Export revenue for the year ended December 2021 was 5% lower than a year earlier.
Around half of NZ seed exports by value go to the Netherlands (22%), Australia (11%), Germany (10%), and USA (8%).
Pasture seed including ryegrass, fescue and clover exports were worth around $133m.
Vegetable seed exports including radish, carrot, and beet were valued at $96m.
Grain seed exports were worth $6.5m.
Most of NZs seed is grown and harvested in the Canterbury region, centred in or around Ashburton.
The region has near perfect climatic conditions, abundant seed production expertise, world-class seed quality management systems and the necessary supporting processing infrastructure.
NZ Grain and Seed Trade Association general manager Thomas Chin said that with a combination of extreme climatic drought and flooding events causing significant disruptions to a range of Northern Hemisphere seed production regions in 2020, some additional trade opportunities has been created for our exporters.
Our exporters have been able to keep and win new international customers because of a highly capable group of growers who are focused on supplying top quality product, which in turn delivers significant premiums, he added.
Fast facts
- Seed exports were valued at $236m in 2021
- Largest export categories are: pasture seed $133m, vegetable seed $96m, cereal seed $6.5m
- Top export destinations by value: Netherlands, Australia, Germany, USA.