TCF Supports Better Transparency Of Disputes Scheme Membership From All Telco’s
The Telecommunications Forum (TCF) supports the decision by the Commerce Commission to promote transparency of membership of the Telecommunications Disputes Resolution Scheme (TDR). The Commerce Commission underlined the importance of the TCF and their work with the changes to the TDR.
The Commerce Commission has issued an open letter to all telecommunication providers to help increase the level of consumer awareness and understanding around the TDR. The Commerce Commission has set out disclosure requirements for providers to inform customers if they’re not party to the TDR . The Commission stated in the report “There has never been any good reason for providers not to join TDR and there is nothing that should stop providers from joining now.”
Paul Brislen, TCF CEO states “The TCF welcomes the Commission’s decision. Telecommunications customers are absolutely better off having access to a free dispute resolution scheme. I encourage all non-members to engage with us to understand the benefits of being part of the TDR. In doing so they will enable their customers to have the same right of recourse to the independent and free dispute resolution scheme as all other telecommunications consumers in New Zealand.”
For better transparency, having considered submissions, the Commerce Commission will publish a list of both members and non-members (alongside information for consumers about the dispute resolution pathway that applies in each case). They will take a phased approach to all smaller providers more time to decide whether to become a member of TDRS and prepare to meet potential disclosure requirements;
“It’s our hope that with this increased focus on the TDR that the smaller players will choose to become part of it. The scheme works well for customers and should be something that all telecommunication providers see as a positive addition to the sector,” says Brislen.
The TDR is a free and independent complaints service that helps around 2,000 Kiwis each year. While the TDR is a voluntary scheme, members of the TCF are members of TDR and cover the vast bulk of telecommunications customers. However, the TCF encourages all telecommunication providers to join the TDR.
“If a customer and their provider can’t reach a resolution that is satisfactory to all concerned, the TDR can help reach a resolution.”
In the latest TDR biannual report[1] 85% of issues raised with the TDR were resolved directly between the provider and their customer without requiring formal intervention.