Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated has appointed Hineatauira Wilkinson and Jonathan Bredin as new directors on the Kahungunu Asset Holding Company.
Hineatauira (Ira) has over 20 years’ experience providing accounting and business advisory services to a diverse range sectors including retail, construction, property and portfolio investments, financial services, Iwi and Indigenous businesses. Ira is of Ngāti Porou and Te Atiawa descent and is therefore particularly passionate about Maori businesses. Ira is of Ngāti Porou whakapapa a Chartered Accountant and has extensive experience in Investments. Ira has expertise with Trusts, Estates and Not-for-Profit organisations. She enjoys working closely with key stakeholders within organisations, to ensure that they make informed decisions for the short and long-term.

Jonathan (Jono) is a seasoned senior executive, Chartered Accountant and professional director with a particular specialty in business improvement and turnaround. He is currently employed on a short-term contract as Interim CEO for a $25m business based out of Lower Hutt. Immediately prior to this role, He was CEO for the EnableMe group where he successfully brokered a sale to AdviceFirst (AMP). Jono is very familiar with both the issues and opportunities that apply in the fisheries sector and also understand the unique aspects that come with Iwi investments. Jono (Ngāi Pākehā) is currently enrolled at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa where he is learning te reo Māori.
Ngāti Kahungunu Chair, Bayden Barber says, “We are very excited to welcome both Ira and Jono to the Kahungunu Asset Holding Company board. Both have extensive experience in growing business and investments and will be valuable additions to our current board of directors. We look forward to working with Ira and Jono as we grow the assets of the iwi to support the aspirations of our Ngāti Kahungunu whānau.”
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is a Mandated Iwi Organisation/Authority. Ngāti Kahungunu is the third largest iwi. We have 40,000 registered members. During the 2013 Census, 61,629 whānau indicated Kahungunu as their iwi. Geographically the tribe has the second longest coastline in the country from Paritū in the North to Turakirae in the South. Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated maintains an independent position to provide research, advice and advocate for the interests, rights, values, beliefs and practices of Ngāti Kahungunu alongside our whānau and hapū. Our mission is to enhance the mana and well-being of Ngāti Kahungunu.