Fulton Hogan Strengthens Focus On Health And Safety
A sea of yellow hi-vis will be evident across Fulton Hogan sites today as the organisation continues to lift its health and safety performance.
Fulton Hogan Chief Executive, Ben Hayward, says the change from orange to bright yellow safety clothing signals an important move in the way Fulton Hogan operates.
“For too long now our people have been camouflaged against a background dominated by orange signs and cones. It’s time for us to make sure our people can be easily seen by everyone driving vehicles through our work sites. To reinforce the importance of safety across our business, we’ve embarked on a programme of work designed specifically for our people and our subcontractors to help manage our critical risks, including the change from orange to yellow safety clothing,” he says.
The introduction of yellow safety clothing is part of a wider awareness campaign – Living Safely 2.0 – which builds on Fulton Hogan’s existing health and safety improvement programme, Living Safely, first introduced in 2018. The programme builds on the original principles and amongst many other things introduces a systematic, laser-like focus on critical risk management. It’s underpinned by a comprehensive programme of work that will deliver ongoing, incremental safety improvements over the next five years. The primary objective of the programme is ‘no life changing harm.’
“Our people are at the heart of everything, and their safety is paramount,” says Ben. “I’m confident the measures we’ve put in place as part of Living Safely 2.0 will amplify our focus on reducing the number of serious accidents on our sites, while increasing our emphasis on putting our people and their safety, first.”