Over 800 Attend Māori Governance Summit
Following its successful online debut in 2022, Tapuwae Roa’s leading Māori in Governance Summit, Amorangi, returned as a hybrid event with over 800 attendees participating both in-person and online.
Taking place at Te Papa Tongarewa and live-streamed to an online audience, the event aims to grow and inspire the next generation of tikanga-led, future-focussed Māori leaders.

"Building on our online success with our inaugural hui, we are honoured to present Amorangi for the first time today to a sold-out in-person audience here in Pōneke," says Te Pūoho Kātene, Kaihautū (Chief Executive) of Tapuwae Roa.
"One of the recurring suggestions we received last hui was to make this an in-person event, but rather than pivot, we decided to make Amorangi a hybrid event, and ensure that this learning platform remains accessible for all our whānau and communities."

The event features speakers and experts from across the governance sector, including Tina Porou, Pania Newton, Chelsea Grootveld, and Merepeka Raukawa-Tait, who will share their insights and experiences through a mix of TEDx-style presentations and interactive panels. Recognising its roots in the capital, Mayor Tory Whānau will give the opening address.
Centered around the themes of māngai (represent), arahi (guide), wero (challenge), and whakamana (empower), the event features 10 kōrero across a diverse range of topics, including community-driven governance, sustainable business practices, integrating scientific research with governance strategies, and the importance of tikanga-led leadership.
The event will conclude with a panel session featuring Amonuku (associate directors) of the highly-contested Māori associate directorship programme, He Tukutuku Koiora, launched at the 2022 Summit.
For more information on the agenda and featured speakers, visit: maorigovernance.co.nz/summit.