Everyone has lost someone that they love, and this can lead to grief and hurt. People often wonder about their dead loved ones and wonder if they are pain-free, safe, and happy. It can be hard to go through the loss of someone, and even if you are struggling with this loss or you feel numb about it, you can see a psychic medium who can help you work through these feelings.
All mediums are psychic, and mediums are psychics that are able to communicate with those that have crossed to the other side. They are able to find out about memories, get information, and get guidance from those loved ones.
Anyone can be a medium and it isn’t just a gift for some people. If you use your intuition, then you can have extrasensory gifts, some of which include mediumship. There are some people that are able to connect better with the spirits and this happens because they choose to develop their gifts and to strengthen their skills.
Embracing Your Intuition
The first thing that you need to do if you want to be a medium is to develop your intuition. Your intuition can help you gain insights and trust yourself. This gift of intuition helps you to reach your higher self, and that means that you will be able to communicate strongly with the spirits. This will also develop your confidence and help you to know who you are in the physical and spiritual world.
Intuition and mediumship go hand in hand and sometimes it is hard to know where information is coming from. But, once you develop your gifts, you can use them for your own and others' highest good.
Why Should You Develop Your Gut Feeling First?
Everyone has intuition, but not everyone trusts it enough. We all are able to use our gifts to reach out to our deceased loved ones, but there are some people who have developed their intuition to a point where they are able to really reach into the spiritual world, and their mediumship is top of the line.
Developing your intuition means that you open up to the spiritual world, and then you can use it to talk to those who have passed away. Intuition and mediumship work together, so you need to understand your intuition so that you can let it show you when you are speaking to a spirit. This sometimes takes more courage and confidence than other people have. You have to learn to trust what you are hearing, and you need to set boundaries and communicate with the spirits in a healthy and healing way.
As your intuition gift grows, you will know when to trust the voices that you hear and the information that you receive. The clair gifts that you have will help you to use your mediumship skills even better.
Being Ethical in Your Mediumship Gift
Getting information from the spirit means that you need to be in a healthy mental state. To get messages, you need to make sure that you aren’t on addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol, and you need to make sure that you are strong in your mind, body, and soul. There are energies that can come that are dark, so you need to make sure that you are in the right place to be strong against dark energies and accept the energies of light.
Even though some shamans would use plant medicine, they were much more spiritual than most people now, and so if you aren’t being trained under one of these shamans, the best thing to do is to make sure that you are sober-minded when you are allowing spirits to come through. This allows you to have power both for yourself and for the spirits that come through.
You can ask your higher powers to guide you and trust that they are there to help you tap into your mediumship gifts.
Getting a Message
Some spirits will come to give messages that aren’t meant to be shared, and some aren’t even meant to be received. You need to follow mediumship ethics, and here are some things that you need to ask when you get a message from the spiritual world:
- Does the message resonate with you?
- Ask your intuition if you are supposed to be getting the message.
- This should be a fast yes or no answer.
- Trust what the first answer is that you get.
- Go to what you prefer in a personal way.
- Find out what you want.
- Know that divine timing is of utmost importance.
- If you get a yes answer, then listen to what the message is.
- If you get a no answer, then say, “Thank you, I hear you, and I know that the timing of this message isn’t right.”
Should the Message Be Shared?
When you are doing a mediumship reading for someone, you need to ask if the message is supposed to be received and shared. Maybe you get a message from a spirit while you are at the mall. After you get the message, you need to ask your intuition if the message is supposed to be shared with that person. If you get a yes answer, then ask the person to hear your message and tell them that you are a psychic medium and you have received a message from their loved one. Ask them if they want to hear the message that you got and then:
- If you get a yes from that person, then the higher power is also giving you a yes.
- If you get a no from that person then tell them okay and tell them that you won’t share it because you trust their answer.
- You might feel strange if they tell you no but understand that each time you get a message and you follow the ethics of it, you are growing in your gift and you are proving to the higher powers that you are of the highest integrity.
Ethical practices in mediumship can show your character, and you will get more light and trust as you listen to the messages and follow the ethics of them.
Grieving and Mediumship
Someone who is grieving or has lost someone within the past couple of months is not going to be in the best state of mind to get a message from their loved one. A mediumship reading can stop the grieving process, and grief is not something that is linear, and each person experiences it differently.
A loved one's spirit takes time to go to the other side, and they also adjust to their new life. It can be harder for them to communicate because their energies aren’t so strong based on the death trauma.
It is best to wait to do a reading when the client is healthier and they are able to hear the message that their loved one wants to share with them. The spirit will also be able to give more information which can bring more healing. When the message comes after a longer amount of time, it will be a healthier place and can bring healing.
Receiving Your Own Messages
It is thought that grief can bring a thinner veil around you. This means that even if you aren’t a medium, you can sometimes get messages from your loved one right after they pass away. This is because they are close to you after their death.
When you communicate with them, you might get messages from them because their energies are still very close to you. If you feel that you see a spirit around you, the lights or television are going on and off, you feel a change in the air, or you just know they are there, this is because they want you to know that they are okay.
Is Your Loved One Safe?
Once a spirit crosses to the other side, they are in love and light. They will be where they are meant to be, and they will get their healing based on the actions that they took in life. They will learn lessons as their soul continues to grow and move to the other side.
If you had a fight with your loved one or the relationship was complex, the loved one on the other side might show up to tell you that they aren’t upset with you and they want you to heal. They know that things are short in life, and they want you to know that they aren’t mad or upset with you.
They want you to feel happy and to live a good life and not to have guilt or regret in things that were done or said or things that were left unsaid while they were alive.
Final Thoughts
Your loved ones always want you to ask them to communicate with them, and even if you don’t get the message that they are sending you, keep practicing and committing to getting better. Practice and develop a deeper connection with your higher self.