RBNZ Advisory: Economic Research Conference Programme And Link To Livestream
Starting today, 6 March, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand is holding an economic research conference that aims to understand the challenges to flexible inflation targeting and the opportunities to polish it further in the post-pandemic world.
Today's conference programme has now been updated with links to Day One research papers and presentations slides, see here: 35 years of flexible inflation targeting - challenges and opportunities - Reserve Bank of New Zealand - Te Pūtea Matua
A link to the text of this morning's welcome and opening remarks by RBNZ Acting Governor Christian Hawkesby will be available on our website shortly after he starts speaking at about 9.30am.
morning's keynote address by Dr
Ben Bernanke is titled: On inflation
A link to Dr Bernanke's speech
will also be available shortly after he starts speaking at
about 9.45am.
The conference will be available to watch via livestream, starting at about 9.30am, today, 6 March and from about 9am on 7 March. The conference will be recorded and made available later on YouTube.
Links to Day Two research papers and presentation slides will be available on the website tomorrow morning, 7 March.
Technical questions can be emailed to: conference2025@rbnz.govt.nz