Business Forum Welcomes India FTA Negotiations
The NZ International Business Forum (NZIBF) welcomes the launch of free trade negotiations with India, announced in Delhi, and is particularly pleased that these will proceed on a comprehensive basis.
“There is enormous value to be gained from comprehensive FTA with India” said NZIBF Chair Philip Gregan. “We congratulate Prime Ministers Luxon and Modi, Trade Ministers McClay and Goyal and officials for getting us to this point”.
“While this marks the start of a renewed negotiating process between our two countries, there is also a need to accelerate the work underway to build the relationship with India across all sectors. This will assist in establishing a strong basis for a high quality and ambitious agreement, including in sectors previously considered off-limits. We should be seeking to address as many issues in the economic relationship as possible, including tariffs and non-tariff barriers in all sectors of interest, along with a body of effective trade rules reflecting the progress we have both made in other agreements”.
“The difficult state of the world trade environment points to the need to conclude these negotiations as soon as possible and we welcome the two Governments clear commitment to that end”, concluded Mr Gregan.
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