Brain Injuries: Legal Actions to Take
After experiencing a traumatic brain injury, life becomes much more difficult. If the reason for the injury is because someone acted negligently and you or your loved one were hurt, you can hold that person accountable for his or her actions. You will need a personal injury attorney to do this because, although the law is on your side, many other people are not.
Most importantly, you must hire an attorney before you speak with an insurance company’s attorney. If another person is responsible for your traumatic brain injury, you are entitled to receive monetary compensation.
Insurance companies make an effort to settle traumatic brain injury claims as quickly as possible. You may receive an offer for a settlement very early on in the process, but this offer is not likely to be anywhere close to the amount of money that you would need. That is because it is difficult to diagnose brain injuries. In the beginning, you will not necessarily know how long your symptoms are going to last. In addition to that, you will not know how long you will need treatment or if you are ever going to be able to work again.
Because the at-fault party’s insurance company does not have your best interests in mind, their lawyers will do their best to give you the smallest settlement possible. After you accept a low settlement offer and find that it does not cover your expenses, you cannot resettle your monetary award. For these reasons, you must hire a personal injury attorney before you accept a settlement offer.
Different Forms of Brain Injuries to Know About
Non-Penetrating TBI
A non-penetrating traumatic brain injury means that nothing penetrated the brain, but the brain may have sustained injuries. These include bleeding in the brain, bleeding in the brain’s ventricles or blood over the surface of the brain.
Penetrating TBI
A penetrating traumatic brain injury means that an object that struck the head penetrates the skull and enters the brain. In most cases, this is the result of a gunshot wound.
Concussive Brain Injury
A concussion is also known as a “concussive brain injury,” and it leaves the person in a daze. He or she may or may not lose consciousness.
Subconcussive Brain Injury
A subconcussive brain injury does not cause any symptoms. If you receive a subconcussive brain injury, you will not necessarily know that you were injured. This injury causes complications although they are not symptoms.
How a Brain Injury Is Life-Altering
A brain injury can change your life forever. For example, you may not think, act or feel how you thought, acted or felt before the accident. Along with negatively affecting the person who experienced the brain injury, they also affect the people around that person.
Brain injuries present physical symptoms, such as causing the person to feel drowsy, experience headaches, have balance difficulties, lose the sense of smell or taste, or have seizures. They also cause emotional symptoms, such as impulsive behavior, mood swings, depression or increased anxiety. Finally, some people experience cognitive symptoms, such as difficulties with communication, the inability to start or finish an activity, difficulties concentrating, slower processing of information or short-term memory loss.