He aha tâu kôrero? What’s your story?
He aha tâu kôrero? What’s your story?
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage today launched a nationwide campaign calling for Mâori to write a story which shows what their iwi, hapû or whânau means to them. The very best of these stories will be published in Te Ara, the Online Encyclopedia of New Zealand which begins digital publication from mid-year 2004.
Mr Rangi McGarvey, Mâori Editor for Te Ara, said, “We want to give all Mâori a place in the encyclopedia from the very start. Their stories will be the foundation for Te Ara’s first theme – The Peoples of New Zealand.”
“We urge Mâori across the country to tell us, in 500 words, about a particular incident or occasion in which their whânau, hapû or iwi helped shape their lives as Mâori. Stories can be in written in te reo Mâori or English. Either way, the selected stories will be translated and published online in both languages.”
“Stories can be written by individuals, whânau, or perhaps as a project by Mâori students in kura kaupapa, schools and colleges. We’d also like people to send in pictures but they are not essential for the selection process.”
The closing date for stories is 30 April, 2004. Complete details can be found online at www.TeAra.govt.nz/your-story.html.
Te Ara, the Online Encyclopedia of New Zealand will be the comprehensive guide to the peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economics, institutions and social development of this country.
An important feature will be its Mâori content. There are currently few reliable and accessible reference sources on Mâoritanga - the Mâori history, culture, science and stories contained in the encyclopedia will be a significant contribution to our understanding of the development of New Zealand.
Te Ara Wânanga, ‘the path of knowledge’, is the Mâori Advisory Committee assisting with the project. The committee members, widely acknowledged as leaders in their own fields, are: Chair, Ranginui Walker (Te Whakatôhea), Te Wharehuia Milroy (Ngai Tûhoe), Edward Ellison (Ngâi Tahu), Hone Sadler (Ngâ Puhi), Charles Royal (Ngâti Raukawa), Ngapare Hopa (Tainui), Keri Kaa (Ngâti Porou), Mere Whaanga (Rongomaiwahine / Ngâti Kahungunu), Monty Soutar (Ngâti Porou), Piri Sciascia (Ngâti Kahungunu) and Mason Durie (Rangitâne).
Te Ara will combine short essays with a variety of multimedia additions in an exciting, entertaining and instructive way. Links will provide pathways to the digital collections of libraries, archives and museums around the country, and it is hoped that the project will initiate a nationwide digitising process of information.
The encyclopedia will allow for the inclusion of community contributions such as photographs, oral histories, and updates of information. It will be published online progressively over a nine-year period, and access to the website will be free of charge. A print publication will also be produced at a later date.
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