Solid Performances by Kiwi's in Europe
Solid Performances by Kiwi's in Europe (May 14)
Barker Edges Out Ahead from fellow Kiwi's - Webb and Fox Day four of the Finn European Championships sailed off La Rochelle saw Dean Barker edge out ahead of fellow countrymen Clifton Webb and Peter Fox, to now hold 5th position. Webb and Fox are close behind, in 7th and 12th position respectively.
In the only race of the day, Barker notched up a 9th placing, with Webb racing to a 14th and Fox a 24th placing.
Positions at the top of the leader board have not changed with Mateusz Kusznierewicz from Poland leading the contest and, World Champion, Ben Ainslie from Great Britain, in second position.
Barker’s success at this regatta along with his solid performance at the Princess Sofia regatta stands him in excellent stead to win New Zealand’s Olympic Finn selection trial ahead of Webb and Fox.
Barker is no stranger to success in the Finn Class where, leading up to the 1996 Olympic Games, he was ranked in the top 5 in the world. In 2004, he is again showing impressive form, after only stepping back into the Finn Class last year.
The European Championships is a nine race regatta, where competitors can drop their worst placing.
With only two more days of racing at the Europeans, we will soon know for sure who will be New Zealand’s Finn representative.
Racing concludes on May 15th.