HappyClappingHomos Essay Competition
The First Annual HappyClappingHomos Essay
Yes, Its the first annual HappyClappingHomos Essay Competition!
It occurs to me that over the last 12 months many arguments have been made on the supposition that faith is to be read of fact. I personally maintain that if you have faith in something, it cannot be proved. If it cannot be proved, then why is one persons faith considered 'better' or more 'righteous' than another. All through Civil Unions the extreme Christian Right in this country were arguing that homosexuality is evil because the bible said so.
The bible is true, because it is the word of God and God created the Universe, ignoring the fact that there is no way to back up the proposition except with a firm belief that their read on the Universe is the only right one. Well, this is the fundamentalists opportunity to prove that their view of the world is the right one and for everyone else to have a bit of a laugh with the First Annual HappyClappingHomos Essay competition!
The Jatravartid People of Viltvodle Six firmly believe that the entire universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called The Great Green Arkleseizure. They live in perpetual fear of the time they call The Coming Of The Great White Handkerchief. (From the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams)
Assess the relative merits of the Great Green Arkleseizure and the Biblical Account of Genesis. Discuss why one theory of creation is more valid than the other.
Good luck. We will publish as we receive entries. Please email your work to essay@happyclappinghomos.com
-- HappyClappingHomos.com is a Wellington based gay rights web site. We keep an eye on the ramblings of Destiny and City Impact Churches’, Paul “City-Impact Pastor” Adams and the rest of UFNZ. We watch and question The Maxim Institute, Garnet Milne, the Society for Prevention of Film Festivals and the rest of the weird and whacky nuts who sprung up over the Civil Unions debate
We can be found at www.happyclappinghomos.com
Yours truly,
Scott Stevens