The GlamSlam comes to a spectacular end!
15 September 2005
The GlamSlam comes
to a spectacular end!
UniQ Victoria’s GlamSlam 2005 festival is about to come to a spectacular close.
The events during the inaugural week, including The Glammies award ceremony where Georgina Beyer took away the Lifetime Achievement Award, the GAP Glam debate, the Queer BBQ at Eastside and the Test The Queer Nation Quiz have been hugely successful.
On Friday night, the Ms Downunder pageant returns to Pound niteclub. UniQ Victoria President Paul Brown says, “It’s been absent for a couple of years now. The last one, held in 2003, stirred a great deal of controversy with many people complaining the winner was “too femme”, so I imagine the stakes will be extremely high this year.”
Then to close the week is the dance party to end all dance parties. GlamSlamm 2005 “Sinner or Saint” is shaping up to be a great alternative to watching the election coverage.
“We’ve got Hanes Go-Go Boys and D.Vice Go-Go Girls who’ll be parading around in next to nothing ensuring everyone’s having a great time!” says Paul
“The theme is sinner or saint—a simple theme—but one which we can all play on, so we hope to see everyone there for a wicked night with revered DJ Karl Moser (HERO, Mardi Gras, Synergy).”