Newtown Festival 2007 - Date announcement
March 2006
Newtown Festival 2007 - Date announcement
Mr Peter Frater, Newtown Festival's appointed Event Manager announced the dates of the 2007 Newtown Festival.
Building on the success of the Annual Festival held at the beginning each March, the 2007 Newtown Festival will commence on Friday 2 March 2007 and continue until Sunday 11 March.
The main event that attracts in excess of 40000 people to Riddiford St in Newtown, the Newtown Fair Day will be held on Sunday 4 March 2007 where Riddiford Street will be closed to vehicular traffic.
The Festival relies on the support of many organisations, businesses of Newtown and funders and individuals. It is this support that enables planning to begin for the 2007 Festival very soon after the 2006 Festival is completed.
The Festival is a week of community celebrations including the popular and award winning "Culture Jam" and the Gay & Lesbian Fair, both of which will held in Newtown School.