Noise Art Performance, Experimental Audio Event
Noise Art Performance, Experimental Audio Event
Wings of Vengeance, The Long Arm, and Ministry of Hypocrisy play at Happy on April the 20th, corner Tory & Vivian Sts, Wellington, 9pm.
Wings of Vengeance is the bastard
solo project of Wellington based recording artist Campbell
Kneale (Birchville Cat Motel, Black Boned Angel). Wings of
Vengeance explores the limits of live musical performance
via a repertoire of divergent and unpredictable methods,
referencing punk, metal, noise, and beyond. No two Wings of
Vengeance performances are alike. Kneale has toured
extensively in Europe, Japan, Asia, and the USA over the
past several years as both Birchville Cat Motel and Black
Boned Angel, two of his current projects.
The Long Arm is an experimental audio project by Wellington based Jeremy Coubrough, which utilises modified electronic audio devices and human/midi interfaces to explore unexpected sonic possibilities. Coubrough has been active in the Wellington music scene for several years, recently focusing on the development of new tools that circumvent the dictatorship of overbranded retail situations.
Ministry of Hypocrisy is the new audio project by Kaleb Bennett and Gabriel Engel, both ex-members of hardcore punk band Atavistic. Engel's past projects include well known Connecticut based US punk band Big Mistake, active for more than 9 years throughout the USA. Engel currently plays in punk band Gäwg, based in Hamilton. Bennett, now based in Wellington, has completed a number of audio art projects over the last 5 years, including Dislocation (Silence), Shed 11, Wellington, 2003, and Direct Experience Initiation, a performance action on Haulashore Island in late 2005. Ministry of Hypocrisy explores themes of paranoia, motivation, and noise via sampler and body-generated audio elements.
All three acts share a disdain for laptop based audio performance, and will be conveying their message with a diverse range of personalised, modified, and hand made audio equipment.
The event is the first in a series titled 'The Artbruit Winter of Noise', a series of performative/action driven audio events that will take place in and around the Wellington region during the winter of 2006. The Winter of Noise is organised by the Artbruit Institute, a local body firmly in support of the sonic arts.
Wings of Vengeance,
The Long Arm, Ministry of Hypocrisy
Happy (cnr Tory &
Vivian Sts, Wellington)
Thursday April 20,