Happy Listings For July
Happy Listings For July
Thursday 6th July -
Anji Sami, Rory Storm and Ryan Prebble.
Friday 7th July - Food, Cletus and the Pleasing Mummies
Saturday 8th July - amy racecar, malenky robot, fighting
the shakes and the henderson
Sunday 9th july - Lawrence
English (aus) Jeph Jerman and Greg Davis (usa) and Anthony
Milton and Campbell Kneale
Tuesday 11th july - Acoustic Pioneers - Amid the Din, Elaine Mclaughlin and Matt Hay with Clint Meech
Wednesday 12th july - Misha Marks Fourtet and !!!!
Thursday 13th july - Zombie Fuck, Peneloping and Volcana
Friday 14th July - Niko NeZna and guests
Saturday 15th July - Rock and Roll Machine (ak) and Guests
sunday 16th july- opening notes
tuesday 18th July - some snazzy humans - impovrished mucus
wednesday 19th july - holzer and kolster (usa/nl) audiovisual performance
thursday 20th july - libra accord, grusome and guests
friday 21st july - lawrence arabia and holiday with friends
saturday 22nd july - option 3 fundraiser - urban tramper, lego breaks, spartacus r, elly + dj
sunday 23rd - manimanima
tuesday 25th - acoustic pioneers - wellingtons actually acoustic acoustic show
wednesday 26th - bleep performance #2 - bend those circuits!!!