New Gig For Happy
"Saturday 19th - The Evils and Guests"
to your gig guides
thursday 17th - the isaac smith ensemble
friday 18th - Livids, Hi-Aces and Actualities
saturday 19 - The Evils and Guests
sunday 20th - acoustic pioneers
tuesday 22nd - manimani "MA"
wednesday 23 to friday 25 - Happy Birthday Party! wednesday 23 - Gerard Crewdsen, Jeff Henderson, Bridget Kelly/Isaac Smith/Taylor Taylor, AlphabetHead, Dave Donaldson thursday 24 - Manimanima!, Cletus, Gerard Crewdsen with Dirty Needles friday 25 - Captain Baby and the Anzac Biscuits, The Not Quite Quiet Quior, Pleasing Mummy, The Deconstruction Unit, DJ's Day G Day Alphabet Head and Noel
Happy corner Vivian and Tory Streets PO Box 9069 Wellington New Zealand